Program Agenda(3hours/180minutes, total)
1) Introductions
a. The instructor will introduce themself, and provide an opportunity for the participants to introduce themselves.
b. The presenter will summarize the content of the training.
c. Pretest will be
d. 10 minutes
2) Defining Implicit and Explicit Bias and related terms
a. Video and lecture will be used to differentiate implicit bias from explicit bias.
b. Other terms will be introduced for later application
c. 60 minutes
3) Exploring the impact of implicit and explicit bias on the development of systems of care. Discussion and videos will be used to explore how implicit and explicit bias have
impacted educational, housing, and medical systems.
b. Micro, mezzo and macro level impacts will be discussed.
c. 45 minutes
4) Assessing the impact of implicit bias on professional practice
a. Harvard University implicit bias tests, the social identity wheel and the courageous conversations compass will be used as tools to show how
professionals can evaluate the impact of implicit bias on their own professional practice experiences.
b. 25 minutes
5) Addressing implicit bias in the workplace
a. Research findings will be presented to show how implicit bias has impacted medical and behavioral health treatment of disabled people, and BIPOC
b. 30 minutes
6) Summary & Questions
a. Presenter will summarize opportunities for practice change as a result of the material explored in the session
b. Questions left unanswered during the training will be addressed in this time.
c. 10 minutes